Problems handling order request in your lab?

Get started in 30 sec (It's 100% Free!)

Place and track your order requests

You and your collegues can plance new orders from internal or from suppliers catalogues. Then you can follow them all the way from being approved by the managers to being shipped and arriving to your location.

Full overview of purchases

You as lab manager, can review all the orders, approve them or check discounts according to prices negociated by your department or institution as a whole. Also you will know exactly what you have, what is on the way to easily figure out what you and your colleagues need.

Always know where to find something

Quickly figure out if you have an item and where it is. Or if you ran out maybe a colleague has. Or we can let you know when things are running low.


Generate spending reports and see how much has left from that grant and what was it used for.

Video presentation

Get in touch with us

If you have any questions, just let us know. We'll reply within 24 hours, except for special holidays.